Official Wikipedia App for Android Released, Get it Now

Wikipedia, the largest encyclopaedia known to the mankind containing more than 20 million articles in 280+ languages, has released it’s official application for Android. The application UI (user interface) is pretty sleek and very neat and packs in a bunch of features.

The app is more convenient to use than using Wikipedia's web-page, though there are few good un-official apps for Wikipedia in the market too, Wiki Encyclopedia and Wapedia being the good ones. Apart from few areas where the official app lacks, there are still many features that make it stand-out from others.

Few Handy Features

Articles can be saved for offline reading
Good for those times when internet connectivity is not available).
Search nearby articles
Very helpful when you’re travelling to a new city and want to explore the nearby landmarks/places etc.
Read articles in different languages.

What’s Missing

Integration with Google search. As a regular user of the search widget, I really want this feature.
Support for accounts
Lack of editing support for article editors.


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